You can’t tow a Uhaul to the grave


13 x 4.5 x 4.5 inches

1:18 scale miniature

resin, wood, styrene sheets, foam core, 3D prints

The relationship between mortality and materiality depicted in You Can't Tow a Uhaul to the Grave is represented by the contrast between a coffin and a U-Haul trailer. This juxtaposition serves as a powerful metaphor for the inevitable separation between humans and their earthly possessions upon death. However, objects are not merely static things but active components of our personal and collective narratives. Objects carry memories and serve as historical conduits for the past. Inspired by a quote from STUFF: Compulsive Hoarding and the Meaning of Things by Randy Frost and Gail Steketee, this work invites viewers to contemplate their attachment to belongings and reconsider the true value of the objects we possess. 


Goat Paths


Time's Up, Betty